Flood Insurance – How Do You Minimize Flood Damage?

Flood damage in Conroe Texas


Flooding is one of the most frequently occurring and costly disasters that homeowners in the U.S. might face. Every year, astronomical amounts of flood damage are caused when waters rise and people are unprepared. Although it may not be possible to prevent a flood, there are things homeowners can do to reduce the damage they sustain and the amount of flood damage restoration that may be necessary afterwards.

Know the Risks

Before anything else, homeowners or renters should always know if they live in an area where flooding is possible, then be alert for conditions that cause flooding. Monitor local news and storm alerts since awareness is a key factor in reducing flood damage. If located in a risk area, be sure to carry the right homeowners or renters insurance. Make a plan to reduce damage to personal items should the waters begin to rise.

Make An Inventory

Make a written and video inventory of all personal possessions and keep it updated. This is useful for insurance purposes to help verify items that are damaged or missing. It also helps to facilitate flood damage restoration and item replacement. Be sure to keep receipts for large purchases like appliances and electronics; ensure serial numbers are properly stored. Have any high-value items, such as jewelry and antiques, appraised and properly insured. Store copies of important original documents safely with inventory logs and videos, as well as a copy of any homeowner's insurance policy.

Flood-Proof the Home

When flooding is possible or for those living in risk areas, minimize flood damage with the following important tips:

  • If a sump pump is in the home, ensure it is working. A battery-operated alarm to operate the pump in case of power failure is also helpful.
  • Keep gutters and downspouts clear to facilitate drainage during downpours or prevent water pooling.
  • Reduce the need for flood damage restoration inside the home by raising electrical components and power panels so they are less likely to be affected by rising waters. If a flood is likely, move electronics and furnishings to an upper level or some other safe place. If possible, furnaces, water heaters, and other expensive electrical components should be installed on cinder blocks that raise them at least one foot off the floor.
  • Remove valuables, important papers, and other movable items from the property until flood warnings end.
  • Stockpile emergency building materials such as sandbags, lumber, tarps, plastic sheets, nails, etc. if located in a flood area and be ready to use them to protect the home.
  • Install check valves in sewer lines to prevent them from backing up into the home during downpours or flood events.

The key to minimizing flood damage is awareness along with taking the proper action to provide as much protection for a home as possible. No one can stop Mother Nature and buildings in the path of rising water may still require substantial flood damage restoration. Residents can reduce the amount of destruction sustained by planning ahead and acting fast.

Along with flood insurance, the tips referenced above can help those dealing with the possibility of rising flood waters protect important possessions before it is too late!

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What Is The Best Way To Handle Emergency Flood Damage?

flood damage in Conroe Texas


When water begins to rise unexpectedly inside a home, it is important to act fast to reduce the amount of sustained flood damage. A call to flood damage clean up services is essential; however, there are other things that homeowners should also do.

Whether the damage results from a broken pipe, an appliance hose rupture, or a natural disaster, those who follow the below tips can be sure the problem is cleaned up as quickly as possible and any damage is properly restored.

Consider Safety Issues First

Before starting clean up efforts, it is important to determine whether there are any health risks. Depending on where the water came from, it may contain bacteria and other harmful organisms. There could also be structural damage to the area or electrical concerns if wires or power cords were involved.

The best thing to do is contact flood damage pros to come and assess the damage as well as look for these and other safety concerns. They will determine whether there are any hazards present that must first be dealt with and when clean up efforts can begin.

Photograph the Damage

Once the area has been cleared for re-entry, photograph the affected area and any damaged items. Insurance companies need this information so there is an accurate account of the damage in order to reimburse for repairs and item replacement. This should be done quickly so that the actual clean up can begin before mold and mildew start to grow on surfaces.

Keep all invoices or documents provided by flood damage clean up services during the restoration so they can be submitted to the insurance company for payment or reimbursement.  

Dry Everything Out

After photographing the situation, it is time to begin the hard work of removing affected items and getting the place dried out. Any standing water that remains should be pumped out; all wet and damaged items should be removed from the area. Depending on the severity of the flooding, homeowners may need to call flood damage clean up services for help. Professional water damage services use powerful suction and drying equipment to get the water out quickly and to begin drying all surfaces.

Repair Any Remaining Damage

Once everything has been effectively dried, homeowners can start making any necessary repairs. New carpeting or fixtures and any structural repairs can only be done once everything is completely dried out. If there is any mold or mildew present, flood damage services will treat the area to disinfect and sanitize. Other repairs can then be made to restore the home to its original condition.

The key to obtaining the best results when dealing with flood damage is to act fast to minimize permanent damage. Prevention of mold and mildew is a chief concern, as its growth can complicate drying and restoration efforts. Once the affected area is safe to enter and all damage is documented, handle flood damage by calling experienced flood damage clean up services to get things back to normal as quickly and easily as possible!

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Use Water Extraction To Speed Up Flood Damage Drying!

Water damage in Conroe Texas


Flooding can cause huge amounts of damage to structures and personal items, so time is of the essence when attempting to salvage these things. Depending upon the type of flood damage that has been suffered, water extraction services may be necessary to remove water and prevent further damage. Extraction can make the difference between saving everything or having to replace it all and is one of the main parts of effective flood damage restoration.

What Is Water Extraction?

Water extraction is a preferred method of quickly removing water from flooded areas with high-powered extraction machines. Essentially, these machines are giant wet-vac units that suction up any standing water in a building as well as the liquid left in carpet and flooring. When extraction is begun immediately after a flood event, it reduces flood damage by allowing them to completely dry out before they can be ruined by mold and mildew. increasing the ability to salvage more items.

How Is Water Extraction Done?

Obtaining thorough results when using water extraction machines requires that several things be done prior to starting the process. Flood damage restoration specialists usually ask that the power be turned off at the circuit box for the safety purposes. All parties involved in the clean-up needs to put on safety gear to protect themselves from contamination due to any chemicals or organisms that may be present in the flood water. The following steps must be taken before the extraction process can begin:

  • Prepare the Area - It is important to initially go through the affected area and remove floating debris and anything not permanently attached to floors or walls. Anything that may clog the machine must be removed, although some area rugs may be left for water extraction efforts.
  • Suction Standing Water - Once the area is clear of all debris, any standing water should be suctioned up with the powerful extraction machine.
  • Remove Non-Salvageable Items - After removing excess water, saturated drywall and insulation, cabinets, and other fixtures should be removed. These items may suffer irreparable flood damage and be considered non-salvageable depending on how they were constructed. They must be removed to ensure that a thorough extraction process is performed throughout the area.
  • High-Powered Extraction - Water extraction is done on floors, walls, carpet, and area rugs in order to suction out any remaining water. Powerful extraction machines can remove nearly all the water left in these materials to a point of feeling barely damp to the touch. This is not the end of the process as thorough drying is still required to prevent permanent water damage resulting from the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Dry and Sanitize - After extracting as much water as possible from floors, walls, and rugs, flood damage restoration crews will then use various high speed drying methods to eliminate any remaining fluid. When floods involve contaminated greywater or blackwater, or mold or mildew is already beginning to form, they will also use various cleaning preparations to disinfect and sanitize the various material, then dry them again. This process continues until everything is clean, mildew-free, and completely dry.

Water extraction with high-powered wet suction machines is the first and most important step in repairing flood damage before it becomes permanent. Still, the most critical element is acting quickly. When flooding occurs, it is essential that water be extracted as fast as possible, preferably within the first day. When done in conjunction with various high-speed drying methods, extraction allows flood damage restoration specialists to quickly remove water from of a building, increasing the chance of a full restoration!

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Flood Damage – What To Do When The Water Leaves!

Flood damage in Conroe Texas


Flooding can cause extensive damage, whether it is because of a problem in the home or due to the forces of nature. Unfortunately, flood damage often increases significantly after the water is gone. The first 24 hours after a water event are the most critical for reducing additional destruction that may occur before flood damage cleaning can be arranged. By using the important tips below, homeowners can take steps to protect their homes from more damage and help ensure that things are brought back to normal after a good cleaning.

Protect Everyone

First and foremost, everyone in the home who will be helping with flood damage cleaning efforts should be protected. Contaminated water can pose health concerns, even if it looks clear. Protect those working in the home with rubber gloves and boots, or wear waders if the water is deep. Respirator masks may also be a good idea if the water is known to be contaminated in any way; that will prevent inhaling any mold or mildew that may develop.

Take Photos and Call the Insurance Company

Immediately after a flood event and before anything is moved, photos should be taken of all the destruction so there is a record of how things initially looked. Next, homeowners should call their insurance company to report the event and the flood damage before any cleanup efforts begin. This can help determine whether the event is covered by an insurance policy. Homeowners should also verify whether they can start cleanup or if the insurer will send professionals to do it. If cleaning can be started before a professional crew arrives, make sure the insurance company knows what will be done and by whom.  

In cases of a natural water event, find out from the insurance company if the area has been considered to be a disaster area. If it has, this may entitle homeowners to additional insurance or government assistance in dealing with any flood damage.

Remove Any Remaining Water

After speaking with the insurance company and getting the go-ahead to start flood damage cleaning efforts, any remaining water in the home should be removed. Open the doors and windows to circulate clean air throughout the home, then suction water up with a wet vac or use a sump pump if necessary. Sump pumps make removing standing water easier and more safe than using buckets. They are available at most home centers and hardware stores.

Reduce Damage from Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew grow very quickly after a flood, causing even more flood damage to a home and its contents. To reduce such growth, remove all damaged items from the house as soon as possible. The longer wet and saturated rugs or furnishings remain in the home, the greater the chance of mold or mildew growth. This is significant since mildew causes bad odors and mold is a potential health risk if inhaled.

Secure the Home

In situations when a home is uninhabitable after a flood, owners should take necessary steps to secure it if they are not present. Any broken windows should be boarded and roofs covered with tarps if necessary. Take pictures of temporary repairs as evidence that the home was secured in case a break-in or vandalism should occur.

A flood is not something that any homeowner wants to face, regardless of the cause. Knowing what to do after the fact can reduce the extent of flood damage many ways. By working with their insurance company and professional flood damage cleaning services, homeowners can get their homes back to normal as quickly and easily as possible!

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Indoor Flood Damage – What Are The Normal Causes?

flood damage in Conroe Texas


Flood damage comes in many forms. Although the worst situations involve forces of nature, this does not make the more common incidences of flooding in the home any less annoying or damaging. Most water damage that occurs in a home happens due to simple issues that are easily remedied. By understanding what the most common causes of flooding in a home, homeowners can take steps to prevent them before having to call for flood damage cleaning!

Defective Washer Hoses

Defective washer hoses are one of the most common causes of unintentional flooding in the home and fortunately the easiest one to prevent. Washer intake hoses dry out and crack after a while and fittings can wear out. This often results in either a slow leak that can cause serious damage to flooring or sudden leaks where a hose fails completely.

A homeowner could wind up with gallons of water from inside the washer spilling onto the floor or worse yet, water from the feed line leaking everywhere. This problem can be avoided by replacing rubber washer hoses with strong, braided ones and installing a washer shutoff valve.

Water Heater Leaks

The water heater is another source of flood damage, as many people forget about checking their heaters. Water heaters can rust or experience other kinds of failures, leaving slow leaks to cause costly damage to the floors and walls around it. Worst of all, because these appliances are connected to a continuous source of water, the leaking continues and worsens over time until it is finally detected. By then it may be time for flood damage cleaning

Homeowners need to routinely check water heaters for leaks and pay close attention to the unit's age. Replacing an old unit that shows signs of rusting can prevent a disaster.

Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can be more than just a nuisance. When water drains slower and collects in sinks or tubs, this could be a flood waiting to happen. Chronically slow drains should be investigated to determine the problem and cleared out before a sudden backup of water causes a flood. Even small amounts of water pouring onto the floors in bathrooms and kitchens can cause flood damage since the water seeps and soaks into everything. A plumber should inspect slow drains so they can be cleaned before a flood can happen.

Drain Pipe and Septic Issues

Septic backups and clogged drainpipes are a serious concern that can precede very unpleasant and unsanitary flooding in the home. Septic backups are usually caused by an overfull septic tank or an issue with the drainfield, while clogged pipes can be caused by many different things. In either case, before an overflow that requires flood damage cleaning occurs, homeowners should have an experienced plumber or septic service out to take a look.

Clogged and Dirty Rain Gutters

Even though they are not actually inside the home, dirty rain gutters that become clogged are another common cause of home flood damage. When water cannot flow along the gutter to the downspout, it pools in the gutters and pours over the edges, falling to the ground around the home. When this water is not properly diverted, it can saturate the ground around the foundation, eventually working its way into the house through small cracks in the foundation that may generate over time. In extreme cases, water can flood into basements. Keeping the rain gutters clean is the easiest remedy.

As simple as some of these concerns may seem, they cause countless dollars in home flood damage every year. Thankfully, all of these issues are easy to prevent. Before a small problem becomes a bigger one that involves flood damage cleaning, homeowners should add these simple items to their home maintenance list and practice them regularly!

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